NASA tracking of Danny
DMI - Rain, Wind and Flooding
Vilshärrad was going nuts, people was windsurfing overpowered with 3.5 while the wind was extremely gusty. None of us had that small sails and the wind was more westerly than expected making it side onshore.
We went searching for alternatives
And ended up in a mixed session further south, I was windsurfing while the others were paddlesurfing. It was a new discovery, a pointbreak that delivered clean shoulder to headhigh waves. The wind was 90 degree offshore thus a bit difficult to windsurf but the spot seems to have a lot of potential. Didn't get any photos as is was getting dark :( Gotta be next time.
Saturday also delivered strong westerly winds, I didn't get out but heard that people was windsurfing havstokken with 4.2. Should have been good.
Sunday the wind had turned into W-NW and the scene was set for a decent paddle session.
My buddies abandoned me to checkout a new spot which didn't work (tsktsk). I ended up surfing sealpoint all by myself in headhigh conditions.
I didn't try to count the number of waves that I got, but it was properly more than I can count to :)
"abandoned me to check out a new spot which didn't work"
:-) If you don't go, you wont know. Remember that this is the way we found SP 3 years ago by leaving Sxxxxt for what it was :-)
But yeah, your right in that we should have joined you at SP. That spot had the best cards during that day. Good for you buddy :-)
Cheers mate,
Hey Vince
Your right, if you don't search you just wont know what on the other side and you'll end up as another sheep. But as with many other things it all about finding the right balance.
Cheers dude
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