Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter on Azores

The Azores is a Portuguese archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, about 1,500 km from Lisbon and about 3,900 km from the east coast of North America. The Azores consist of nine large islands and 8 small where Sao Miguel is the main island with the capital Ponta Delgada.

Put in surfing terms the Azores is situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in deep water which pretty much ensures swell all year around. Having the golf current passing just by, even in the winter the water temperature never goes below 17-18 degrees C. All put together this is the Atlantic Hawaii

View over Ponta Delgada plateau

From all the guidebooks and surfspot internet sites, spring is not season for swell, even though we had swell every day ranging from 1.5 to 3 m from different directions. The swell season is August to October where the swell should be southerly. Besides the swell we had nice weather most days with 20 C. and lite cloud cover.

South coast
Most accommodation on Sao Miguel is on the south coast near Ponta Delgada making the surf spots around here the most crowded, even though the crowd here is really small. Most spots on the south coast is beach breaks with a large swell window. The most exposed spots picks up swell from V to NE making it very consistent.

Populo is probably the best beach break on the south coast. The wave is quite powerful and there are a couple of nice peaks on the stretch.

Polulo Beach

Populo is just outside of Ponta Delgada with hotels all around, even though there is no real crowd . All the beginners are on the inside in the whitewater and the remaining 10 people share the outside peaks, Sweet...

Surfing Polulo


Surfing Polulo

Surfing Polulo

Surfing Polulo

Aqua de Alto aka "Gammelt vand" or "Højt vand" is a beach break like Populo 20-30 min. drive from Ponta Delgada but with no people around. It tends to be a like a foot bigger than on Populo but the wave closes a bit faster, even though it's a fun wave with plenty of power.

Aqua de alto aka gammelt vand
This is from our first day at Sao Miguel with NE swell and a hauling N wind (direct offshore). There was shoulder to headhigh waves and only two dudes in the lineup, us.

Surfing Aqua de Alto
Later on the wind took off and the swell switched to S-SW with a ground swell of 2 m and a wave period on 12-14 s. This was just epic compared to danish conditions. The locals was quit relaxed about it and kept saying "this is only a small day".

Surfing Aqua de Alto

Surfing Aqua de Alto

After a good day of surf there is nothing better than watching the sunset with a beer or two.

North Shore
On the North shore the waves are more powerful and tends to be bigger than on the south coast. There are two beach breeaks on the north shore, Monte Verde and Santa Barbara. We only tried Monte Verde both with NE and NV swell. The best condition is NV swell and S-SW wind which we had one day, even though it was a bit messy and the current was freaky.

Monte VerdeIt's hard to see on this photo but the waves are overhead high.

Surfing Monte Verde

Surfing Monte Verde

Santa Barbara

The most western point of the island hold a little village Mosterios which beside surfing offers little. There are a few spots around the village, all reef breaks.

Wrapping waves
This is Praia dos Mosterios, a righthander lava reef break. We never surfed it but it sure looked nice with the waves wrapping around the point and peeling off the reef for 100 to 150 m.

Local surferThis is a local dude that knew this wave pretty well judging from the takeoff zone which was filled with lava rocks popping out of the face.

Whale watching
Besides surfing the Azores are known for it's magnificent marine life. The diving should be world class but we never got time to explore that. There is a quit good change to see different kinds of whales. We chartered a boat and went whale watching one day and saw both fin whales and Cachalot whales.

Fin WhaleFin whale

Cachalot WhaleCachalot whale

Common DolphinsCommon dolphins

More pics here

Aloha from Azores....


Unknown said...

hy, how're you doing.
Cool pics of the Azores.
I would like to contact you to get some infos about the surf on the islands.
Hope I'll hear soon something from you..
Cheers, Naps

Rob B said...

Great pictures! I am actually working on an Azores Surfing page on my website. I wonder if you would allow me to use one of your pictures?

It looks like you enjoyed the surfing?

Kind Regards

Rene Brask said...

Sure you can Rob just include my photo credits and reference to either this blog or the original flickr link.

Nice site you have on the Azores islands



Rob B said...

Hi Rene

I put up the new page with a picture from your blog. Here's the link: Surf Azores

Thanks again for permission to use the picture. If you have any comments or suggestions please let me know


Rene Brask said...

Hey Rob

No Worries :) And thanks for the nice comments.

Like your profile picture, think I been on that little secret beach but can't remember the name.



Rob B said...

The beach shown on the about me page is one you have been at: Populo beach. The photo is from a little villa that sits on the beach.

All the best

Azores whale watching said...

Very informative post.
Azores is located in the Atlantic ocean. This island is a must visit. This place has a subtropical climate. You can find amazing flora and fauna in this island. The main attractions are watching loggerhead turtles and fishes like marlin and swordfish. The other best attraction is the giant whales.

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Elo said...


I'm leaving next week for Sao Miguel and if you don't mind, there's a lot I'd like to ask you. Would you mind talking sometime?



Anonymous said...

I love! Here I always find a lot of helpful information for myself. Thanks you for your work.
Webmaster of and
Best regards

Azores Surf said...

Thanks so much for reporting us in your blog!! Come back soon to the Azores for some great surf!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I live in Ponta Delgada, very nice blog, i can also help someone if they come here for locations, i don't surf mutch btw ^^

Sócios said...


I like to see that are peolple in sweeden surfing, I did not expect to have peolple so fanatic...I live in Lagos, South Portugal, and I surf for over 30 years and know these area very well. I have a Hostel in Aljezur, southwest coast of Portugal There are more than 40 kms of unspoiled beachs .



Rene Brask said...

Hey João

I'm actually danish ;) But your right it takes quite a bit to surf in this part of the world. Things has to come together to get decent conditions.

Sounds great with your Hostel and SW Portugal. I'w been there a few years ago and was very amazed by the whole setting.



Christine said...

Hej, herlig blog!! Jeg skal til azoerne til jul/nytår og håber at kunne fange en enkelt bølge eller to. Vi har endnu ikke fundet et sted at bo, og er lidt i tvivl om hvad vi skal bo i. Har du nogle anbefalinger? Og lige et andet spørgsmål: Er det til at leje surfboards på Sao Miguel?
Mvh. Christine

Rene Brask said...

Hej Christine

Vi rejste i sin tid med bravo tours som havde et billigt hotel "VIP" et-eller-andet inde i Ponta Delgada. Kombineret med billeje giver det gode muligheder for at komme ud og prøve forskellige surf spots.

Det eksisterer vist et par surf shops på øen, men jeg vil anbefale at du undersøger mulighederne for surfboard leje hjemmefra.

God tur :)

Sell Sure Kevin Harris said...

Awesome blog, I have an offer to visit ponta Delgado ( flights are quite expensive) to Sao Miguel. Thanks for great information