Friday the 12 of February a new snowstorm hit Bornholm and the south-eastern part of Skåne. On Bornholm people was evacuated and most roads was closed until Saturday. In Skåne things didn't look that bad Saturday morning, maybe because the Swedes are better handling these snow-conditions.
With the snowstorm a decent size NE swell was forecasted for southeast Skåne. This was about to become my coldest surf session ever. Air temperature was -2 degree Celsius and water temperature was -1 degree Celsius.
The ice forecast was right, the coastline was not frozen, it was only slush-ice with ice cubes.
If it hadn't been for the slush-ice I think the waves would have been quite good.
What to do when you can't surf because of slush-ice? Go skiing, luckily we brought ski and snowboards :)
Rider: Roelf Hans
The reef was then exchanged with this nice snow ledge.
But where is the lift?
Rider: René Brask
And it was possible the get a few turns
Rider: Vincent Bakker
And quickly we had build a small kicker
Rider: Roelf Hans
Rider: Vincent Bakker
Rider: René Brask
And I ended up paying with a sprained thumb :(
Hope u all enjoy this unusual winter. Europe has been locked inside a freezer. The great oceans gets one big swell after another. And the southern hemisphere gets grilled.